
Dr. John McCreadie

Dr. John McCreadie




B.S. - 

University of Guelph, Ontario

Ph.D. - Ecology and cytogenetics
Memorial University, Newfoundland - 1991

Research Interests


Freshwater Ecology & Entomology

For more details, go to his research page.

Recent Publications


McCreadie JW, Adler PH. 2021. The general architecture of black
fly–parasite interactions: Parasitism in lotic systems at a
continental scale. Journal of Invertebrate Pathology.

McCreadie JW, Hamada N, Maria E. Grillet ME, Adler PH. 2021. A stream
by any other name: does β-diversity differ between Nearctic and
Neotropical streams? Hydrobiologia (in press)

McCarty E, Nichols E, McCreadie J, Grant J. 2019. Assessment of
Aquatic Macroinvertebrate Sampling Methods for Nonregulatory Water
Quality Programs. doi:10.2134

Mccreadie JW, Adler PH. 2019. Spatial distributions of rare and common
species in a widespread group of stream insects. Freshwater Science.
38: 53 - 63

Mccreadie JW, Adler PH. 2018. Patterns of regional beta diversity in a
widespread group of North American aquatic insects. Freshwater
Science.  37: 631-639.

Adler PH, Borkent A, Hamada N and McCreadie JW. 2017. Biodiversity of
Simulium metallicum sensu lato (Diptera: Simuliidae), a complex of
Neotropical vectors associated with human onchocerciasis. Acta Tropica
171: 171 - 179.

McCreadie  JW, Hamada N, Grillet ME and Adler PH. 2017.  Alpha
richness and niche breadth of a widespread group of aquatic insects in
Nearctic and Neotropical streams. Freshwater Biology. 62: 329-339.

McCreadie JW, Williams RH, Stutsman S, Finn DS and Adler PH. 2017.
The influence of habitat heterogeneity and latitude on gamma diversity
of the Nearctic Simuliidae, a ubiquitous group of stream-dwelling
insects. Insect Science DOI: 10.1111/1744-7917.12442


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Experimental Designs in Biology  (BLY 304) 

Biological has moved from an historically qualitative discipline to one that is quantitative. Thus, it has become increasingly important for Biology students to develop strong analytical skills. Experimental designs in Biology is intended to provide students with the basic skills experimental design and statistical methodology needed in modern biological research. Additionally, student will learn basic statistical software (e.g., Minitab, Ecosim, Resampling Procedures, PAST).

General Entomology  (BLY 354) 

Emphasis is placed on insect form, function, classification, and evolution, as well as their impact on human societies. In addition, the student will be expected to make an insect collection of at least 75 families with at least 75 specimens.

Freshwater Ecology  (BLY 426/526)

With emphasis placed on lakes, streams, ponds, and wetlands, this course will focus on four major aspects of freshwater ecology: i) physical and chemical properties of water; ii) ecology and taxonomy of aquatic organisms; iii) links between different freshwater systems; and iv) human influence on freshwater ecosystems (eutrophication, acidification, hydroelectric projects, introduced species etc.).   In addition, students will be required to submit a collection of local freshwater invertebrates and fish.

Biometry  (BLY 520) 

The aim of Biometry is to provide a solid foundation in some of the applications of basic statistical techniques used in modern biological research. In addition the student will become familiar with several commonly used statistical software packages. Topics covered in this course were selected because they are commonly encountered in the practice of biology and will provide a basis for learning other techniques.