
University of South 麻豆果冻传媒 Logo     
Policy No: 2029
Responsible Office: Student Affairs
Last Review Date: 10/23/2023
Next Required Review: 10/23/2028
Policy No: 2029
Responsible Office: Student Affairs
Last Review Date: 10/23/2023
Next Required Review: 10/23/2028


1. Purpose

This document clarifies the University’s expectations and approach to the use of alcohol on University grounds as well as on University sponsored activities at off-campus locations.

2. Applicability

This policy applies to all members of the University of South 麻豆果冻传媒 community (administrators, alumni, faculty, staff, guests, and students), including USA campuses and all USA Health facilities; also applies to University sponsored activities off-campus locations. Members must adhere to all applicable state and local laws and University regulations related to the sale, possession, and use of alcoholic beverages. 

3. Definitions

Not Applicable.

4. Policy Guidelines

4.1 Campuses
4.1.1 The sale, possession, distribution or consumption of alcoholic beverages on the campuses of the University of South 麻豆果冻传媒, including hospitals, is prohibited, unless otherwise allowed herein.         
4.1.2 Public intoxication on the campuses of the University of South 麻豆果冻传媒 is prohibited.
4.1.3 The University may allow alcohol to be served at certain functions of student organizations and
to other recognized organizations hosting functions in designated areas on campus. All organizations will be expected to follow all relevant University policies and procedures. All laws, ordinances, and University regulations must be carefully observed relating to the utilization of the privilege of alcohol consumption.
4.1.4 The responsibility for compliance with an adherence to University regulations and applicable state laws rests with the sponsoring organization and its advisors. The University of South 麻豆果冻传媒, its trustees, officers, and employees, do not assume any responsibility or liability for actions of the sponsoring organization or its advisors or members or other participants with regard to alcohol policy.
4.1.5 With permission, alcohol may be served at locations listed below. All requests for permission to serve alcohol at a function on campus must be submitted to the Vice President for Student Affairs (VPSA) at least five working days prior to the date of the event. Bullets indicate areas in which alcohol, with prior approval, may be sold:
    • USA Mitchell Center;
    • Outdoor areas immediately surrounding the Mitchell Center;
    • Hancock Whitney Stadium;
    • Moulton Tower and Alumni Plaza;
    • MacQueen Alumni Center;
    • Toulmin House (formerly Alumni Hall);
    • Premises in and around Toulmin House;
    • Mobile Townhouse;
    • Student Center Terrace;
    • Student Center Ballroom;
    • Laidlaw Performing Arts Center;
    • USA Fairhope Campus;
    • Stanky Field and Clubhouse;
    • Greek Housing;
    • Mitchell College of Business;
    • Shelby Hall;
    • Alfred and Lucile Delchamps Archeology Museum;
    • Mitchell Cancer Institute;
    • Strada Patient Care Center;
    • HAHN Health Sciences Building;
    • USA Technology and Research Park;
    • Seaman’s Bethel Church;
    • SGA Pavilion;
    • Jaguar Field;
    • Faculty Club;
    • Properties rented by USA;
    • Other locations may be approved by VPSA.
4.1.6 Organizations granted the permission to serve alcohol at an event on campus must maintain appropriate insurance coverage, as required by the University. Information about insurance requirements may be obtained from the Office of Risk Management.
4.1.7 Security precautions, as specified by the VPSA, must be carefully observed. Security is to be coordinated by the USAPD and will be paid for by the host organization.
4.1.8 A copy of the 麻豆果冻传媒 Dram Shop Liability Statement should be prominently posted where alcohol is being served. All servers must sign a liability statement declaring their familiarity with 麻豆果冻传媒 law on Dram Shop Liability, other relevant laws, and the University Alcohol Policy.
4.1.9 Non-alcoholic beverages and food should be available in adequate quantities. Nonalcoholic beverages and food should continue to be available throughout the event.
4.1.10 Advertising for the event may not include any reference to alcohol including a reference to a function being BYOB (Bring your own bottle of alcohol) without prior approval of the VPSA.
4.1.11 Jurisdiction over non-compliance of these standards will depend upon the nature of the violation, the location of the event, and the individuals involved in noncompliance. In every case it is the sole responsibility of the organization to uphold standards set forth in this policy. Organizations found not in compliance by the appropriate administrator, or his/her designated representative, will be subject to loss of status as a recognized student organization or other disciplinary actions by the University or other measures as appropriate. 
4.2 Additional Rules for Student Organizations
4.2.1 No alcoholic beverages may be purchased through a student organization’s treasury nor may the purchase of same for members or guests be undertaken or coordinated by any member in the name of or on behalf of the student organization.
4.2.2 Any monies used to pay for alcoholic beverages must be supplied by personal/private sources.
4.2.3 No alcohol may be purchased with funds of a student organization which are in accounts of the University of South 麻豆果冻传媒.
4.2.4 No student organization may co-sponsor or co-finance a function where alcohol is purchased by any of the host organizations.
4.2.5 Minors who are not affiliated with the University may not attend any function sponsored by a student organization at which alcoholic beverages are present. An official of the organization sponsoring the event must ask the minor who attempts to attend the function to leave. If the minor refuses to leave, USAPD and/or local police must be advised.
4.2.6 Driver’s licenses are to be checked by security personnel to verify that persons are of legal drinking age before those persons my receive and consume alcoholic beverages.
4.2.7 No student organization may co-sponsor an event with an alcoholic manufacturer and/or distributor, charitable organization, or tavern (tavern defined as an establishment generating more than half of annual gross sales from alcohol) where alcohol is given away, sold or otherwise provided to those present.
4.2.8 All membership recruitment activities of any student organization must be dry. No alcohol shall be present at any pledge/associate member/novice program or activity of the organization.
4.2.9 Open parties, meaning those with unrestricted access by nonmembers of the organization when alcohol is present, shall be prohibited. Guests must be invited by specific invitation, with numbers of guests to be regulated by the VPSA.
4.2.10 Alcoholic beverages must not be freely available (unrestricted access) and a designated server must be appointed to insure that no alcoholic beverages are served to persons under the legal drinking age or to persons who appear to be intoxicated.
4.2.11 The event should have a definite beginning and ending time. The serving of alcoholic beverages should be stopped at least thirty minutes prior to the ending time of the event.
4.2.12 Drinking “games” or any activity, which encourages alcohol overindulgence or abuse, are prohibited.
4.2.13 Keg beer or any bulk containers will not be allowed under any circumstances.
4.2.14 Any event that is closed down due to any violation of city, county, state, or Federal laws, rules regulating crowd noise level, or University regulations, will subject the sponsoring organization to a review of its status as a registered University organization. 

5. Procedures

The Following Scenarios Will Require Permission

5.1  An event sponsor should first seek approval to serve alcohol at the event from the Vice President for Student Affairs.

5.2  Once approval has been obtained from the Vice President for Student Affairs or his designee, alcoholic beverages may be served at the approved event location, with the understanding that any conditions, requirements or stipulations attached to that approval are to be abided by by all attendees.

5.3  All alcohol servers must be requested through Aramark. Aramark will provide trained in-house server or servers or an external trained server for approved events. In the event, Aramark does not have an available server on the date of the approved event, then alcohol will not be allowed at such event.

6. Enforcement

Disciplinary and Other Actions

6.1  Students found in violation of any of these policies will be subject to the following:

6.1.1  The student will be required to appear before the Student Conduct Administrator of the University who will assess the student’s behavioral report.

6.1.2  If alcohol and/or drug use is determined to be a factor in the behavioral report, the student may be referred to the Substance Abuse Program of Counseling and Testing Services located in 300 Student Center Circle, Mobile, AL 36688.

6.1.3  If it is determined that this Program is inadequate to meet the student’s needs, he/she may be referred to other agencies. The University assumes no liability for any costs which may be incurred in such a referral.

6.1.4  Depending upon the nature of the violation various sanctions may be imposed on the student including but not limited to the following: written reprimand, conduct probation, residence hall room transfer, removal from university housing, fine, completion of substance abuse education, community service, suspension and/or expulsion from the University.

6.2  Staff employees found in violation of these polices will be subject to the following:

6.2.1  The Department Head and appropriate Human Resource Officer will access the behavioral report. Appropriate sanctions may be imposed up to and including termination.

6.2.2  If alcohol and/or drug use are determined to be a factor in the behavioral report, the employee will be referred to the Employee Assistance Program. The employee is required to call EAP (461-1346) to make an appointment with the Employee Assistance counselor within two working days of the referral. The employee will receive a professional assessment to determine whether chemical dependency or abuse exists. If appropriate, the employee will be scheduled for counseling sessions with the Employee Assistance Counselor.

6.2.3  If it is determined that counseling sessions with the Employee Assistance Counselor would be inappropriate for the employee, he/she will be referred elsewhere for further evaluation.

6.3  The appropriate Human Resource Officer, as well as the supervisor of an employee undergoing treatment or counseling for chemical dependency shall be notified by the Employee Assistance Program Counselor as to:

6.3.1  Employee attendance at counseling/treatment sessions,

6.3.2  Date/time when employee may return to work,

6.3.3  Other state and federal requirements will apply with respect to health care professionals. To the extent that other legal requirements are more extensive than the policy enclosed herein and/or are more stringent, those will apply.

6.4  Members of the faculty who may be in violation of the policies will be subject to all requirements of the Faculty Handbook as well as the following:

6.4.1  The Department Head will confer with the Dean and the Vice President for the respective area to assess behavioral reports and evaluate for the necessity of assistance to the faculty member. Appropriate sanctions may be imposed, up to and including termination.

6.4.2  If alcohol or drug use is determined to be a factor in the behavioral report, the Department Head and appropriate representative, either from the Dean’s office or the Vice President’s office, will meet with the employee concerning issues related to professional performance.

6.4.3  The faculty member may be referred to the Employee Assistance Counselor for assessment or counseling.

7. Related Documents

The Lowdown, 2022-2023, Pages 57-60.