
IFC Bylaws


University of South Alabaama Office of Greek Life Logo


Interfraternity Council

University of South 麻豆果冻传媒

April 2023



Section I: Member Fraternities

  1. The member fraternities are chapters officially recognized by the Interfraternity Council and The University of South 麻豆果冻传媒.
    1. Full membership in the Interfraternity Council shall be reserved for those local or (inter)national fraternities recognized by the University of South 麻豆果冻传媒 and the Interfraternity Council that have received a charter from their respective local or (inter)national organization and are in good standing with the Interfraternity Council.
    2. Probationary membership in the Interfraternity Council shall be reserved for local or (inter)national fraternities of colony status or for chartered fraternities which have not met the Interfraternity Council requirements for membership.

Section II: Voting

  1. Only member fraternities shall have voting privileges on the Council of Fraternities. Each member fraternity present at the meeting and in good standing shall have one vote. The duly elected Council Representative from each chapter shall issue the vote on behalf of their organization.



Section I: Council of Fraternities

  1. Unless contrary to these By-Laws or to the Constitution, the current edition of Roberts Rules of Order shall govern all meetings. A quorum shall be necessary to conduct any business. The quorum shall consist of fifty-one percent (51%) of the voting membership.

Section II: Executive Council

  1. The Executive Council of the Interfraternity Council shall hold meetings biweekly or at
    the discretion of the Executive Council at a time specified by that Council.
    1. The Interfraternity Council advisor shall attend all open meetings of the Executive Council and General Body meetings as necessary.

Section I: Financial Obligations

  1. The Dues structure for the upcoming year will be presented and approved by a majority vote of the general body at the first meeting of the fall term.
  2. Dues will be invoiced at the first regular meeting in September for the fall assessment, and in February for the spring assessment. The chapters will be invoiced according to the University of South 麻豆果冻传媒/Office of Fraternity and Sorority Life official submitted roster numbers for the previous term.
  3. Each member fraternity must pay its chapter bill in full. The average cumulative GPA of the member chapter will determine the amount that will be charged. If the cumulative GPA is under 2.59, then the fraternity owes $20.00 per member. If the cumulative GPA is between 2.60-2.89, then the fraternity owes $15.00 per member. If the cumulative GPA is above 2.90, then the fraternity owes $10.00 per member. The fraternity will owe $15.00 per new member, the term in which they affiliate with the chapter.
  4. Absence from a regular or special meeting of the Council of representatives of a member chapter shall result in a fine of $50.00 per representative not attending the meeting.
  5. Each fraternity shall pay all assessments, dues, and fines within two (2) weeks after the date set by the Treasurer, or the President in the Treasurer鈥檚 absence, as this Council may require. The Office of Fraternity and Sorority Life, and Interfraternity Council shall approve no social activity until assessments are paid.



Section I: Executive Council

  1. Duties of Elected Officers
    1. President
      1. To be the chief representative from the fraternity system to the
        administration as well as the fraternity members.
      2. To be a spokesman for the Interfraternity Council and be ultimately responsible for the meetings, agenda, and Communication of the decisions of the body.
      3. To appoint and affirm the Director of New Member Education and
        Director of Philanthropy and Service. Those appointed and affirmed into these positions cannot be of the same member chapter as their appointer.
      4. To be the acting chairman of the Executive Council
      5. To be responsible for the formation of goals and the direction of the Executive Council and the Interfraternity Council.
      6. Must have served in a vice presidency role for at least one (1) semester prior to serving as president.

    2. Vice President of Judicial Affairs
      1. To act as the chairman of the Interfraternity Council Greek Board of Magistrates (GBM).
      2. To ensure the just and equitable operation of the GBM.
      3. To serve as the official spokesperson for the GBM.
      4. To guide the GBM in its interpretation and enforcement of the
        Interfraternity Council Constitution and By-Laws, recruitment policies, University policies, and other such Rules and regulations established in the best interest of the Greek community.
      5. Coordinate an annual review of the Constitution and By-Laws.

    3. Vice President of Recruitment
      1. To be ultimately responsible for all phases of Interfraternity Informal and Formal Recruitment
      2. To be chairman of the Recruitment Committee.
      3. To work closely with the South 麻豆果冻传媒 College Panhellenic Council鈥檚 Director of Recruitment and appropriate officers of the South 麻豆果冻传媒 National Pan-Hellenic Council for beneficial exchange of information and coordination of similar projects.
      4. To be responsible for the recruitment budget preparation and financial records.
      5. To be on campus throughout the summer months as the official liaison with parents and students during summer orientation sessions.
      6. To coordinate the evaluation and update of the Interfraternity recruitment rules and regulations (subject to the approval of the Council of Fraternities and Office of Fraternity and Sorority Life as interpreted by the Interfraternity Council Greek Board of Magistrates).
      7. To work closely with campus recruiting organizations to promote the Greek community as a tool for recruiting students to the University.

    4. Vice President of Education

      1. Coordinate a scholarship chair orientation program for member chapters.
      2. Collect and distribute academic performance rankings.
      3. Publish important academic dates and deadlines.
      4. Collect and distribute information about campus academic services, such as tutors, the writing lab, math lab, learning assistance programs, interest tests, career counseling, placement workshops, and library resources.
      5. Work individually with member chapter scholarship chairs below the all-men鈥檚 grade point average.
      6. Build and maintain relationships with faculty, academic offices, and academic honorary societies.

    5. Treasurer
      1. To be responsible for all funds assessed, collected, and distributed by the Council of Fraternities.
      2. To prepare the Interfraternity Council budget on a semester basis for the presentation to, and approval by, the Council of Fraternities.
      3. To present a monthly financial report to the Council of Fraternities
      4. To prepare a final financial statement for presentation to the Council of Fraternities prior to completion of term.
      5. To prepare a financial statement for any events or activities sponsored by the Interfraternity Council to be presented to the Council of Fraternities.

    6. Secretary
      1. To maintain a complete filing system of the business/programs of the Interfraternity Council
        1. This is to include:
          1. To maintain a complete filing system of the
            business/programs of the Interfraternity Council
          2. Meeting minutes from each open Executive board meeting
          3. Meeting agendas from each open Executive board meeting.
          4. Meeting minutes from each Interfraternity Council
          5. Meeting agendas from each Interfraternity Council
      2. To notify all fraternities of meeting place and time to follow-up on those fraternities absent from a Council meeting.
      3. To work with the Executive Council in preparation of the Interfraternity Council budget.
      4. To prepare, with the input of the Executive Council, the Council meeting agenda and to maintain a complete record of all Interfraternity Council action, e.g., communication, minutes of meetings.
      5. To disseminate copies of Interfraternity Council general body meeting minutes to all Interfraternity Council chapter presidents, Council Representatives, and chapter advisors.

    7. Public Relations Chair
      1. Formally known as Member-at-Large, Risk Management Chair, Diversity Equity and Inclusion (DEI) Chair.
      2. To present the interests of fraternities maintaining active membership in the University of South 麻豆果冻传媒 Greek community
      3. To plan and implement projects emphasizing multicultural awareness and diversity within the campus Greek community.
      4. To plan and implement joint projects with the South 麻豆果冻传媒 College Panhellenic Council and South 麻豆果冻传媒 National Pan-Hellenic Council
      5. To act as a contact and representative for any media or non-Greek external communication on issues relating to the Greek community
        1. This is to include press releases regarding the actions of the Interfraternity Council
        2. Press releases regarding the actions of the member fraternities of
          the Interfraternity Council.
        3. Any publications relating to the Interfraternity Council.
      6. To maintain the Interfraternity Council website with up-to-date information
      7. To develop marketing and communication of all Interfraternity Council- sponsored events and activities, including but not limited to Interfraternity- 11 -Council recruitment, and sponsored philanthropic or community service initiatives.

  2. Duties of Appointed Officers
    1. Director of New Member Education
      1. To serve as the student coordinator for the Interfraternity Council鈥檚 new member education process.
      2. To schedule weekly meetings of new member class executive officers (i.e., PCP) throughout the Interfraternity Council new member period.
      3. Coordinate weekly educational opportunities for new member class executive officers.
      4. To review, with chapter officers, and University administration, all submitted new member education programs.
      5. To provide bi-weekly, confidential meetings with chapter New Member Educators, to offer educational programming to all new member educators.
      6. To chair a committee for an annual review of new member education policies each spring prior to the start of the fall new member education programs

    2. Director of Philanthropy and Service
      1. To serve as the student coordinator for all Interfraternity Council
        philanthropic and service projects
      2. To communicate with local, national, and international entities that are interested in partnering with the Interfraternity Council and its member organizations for projects related to service and philanthropy
      3. To provide weekly updates to the community about ongoing service and philanthropic opportunities.
      4. To produce an annual report of the service hours and monies donated by the individual chapters and the entire Interfraternity Council community at large.
      5. To serve as the Interfraternity Council representative on community-wide projects with the 麻豆果冻传媒 Panhellenic Association, 麻豆果冻传媒 National Pan-Hellenic Council, and United Greek Council.

Section II: Vacancies

  1. Resignation of Executive Council Positions shall be submitted in writing to the Council of Fraternities.
  2. Nominations and elections for vacancies on the Executive Council shall be made at the Council of Fraternities meeting immediately following receipt of the official resignation.
  3. The term of office for those elected to fill such a vacancy on the Executive Council shall be through the next scheduled election on the Executive Council Officers

Section III: Summer Absences of President

  1. An Acting President shall be appointed for the summer months by the USAIFC President, with approval of the Council of Fraternities before the last meeting of the spring semester provided that the regular president will not be at the University during the summer. The
    acting president shall have all powers regularly granted to the President of the Interfraternity Council and shall report to the regular President of the Summer months.

Section IV: Recall Procedures of the Executive Council

  1. Elected officers shall not be subject to recall until two (2) weeks after their election.
  2. After that time, recall procedures may be initiated by petition of not less than 20% of the Interfraternity Council.
  3. A recall of any members of the Executive Council may be executed by 2/3 secret ballot vote of the members of the Council of Fraternities.
    D. The Interfraternity Council will hold a special election within seven (7) days for the replacement of such officers, after the proper initiation and completion of recall.

Section I: Candidates

  1. The Following officers are to be elected annually:
    1. President
    2. Vice President of Judicial Affairs
    3. Vice President of Recruitment
    4. Vice President of Education
    5. Treasurer
    6. Secretary
  2. Qualifications
    1. Candidates shall be of active status within their fraternity.
    2. Candidates shall be currently enrolled as full-time students at The University of South 麻豆果冻传媒 at the time of their application.
    3. Candidates shall have earned at least 12 semester hours at The University of South 麻豆果冻传媒 by the end of the semester in which they are seeking an office. Candidates for President or Vice Presidency must have earned at least 30 semester hours.
    4. Candidates shall have a minimum of a 2.5 cumulative grade point average and have not been on scholastic probation for the most recently completed term prior to the semester of an election.
    5. To be eligible for any Interfraternity Council positions, a candidate cannot be the President or Recruitment Chair of his chapter.
    6. Candidates must not have any open or pending judicial cases with the Office of Student Conduct or the Dean of Students.
      1. Candidates with judicial cases pending or open may still be considered eligible to run for an executive council position at the discretion of the Office of Student Conduct, Dean of Students, and Office of Fraternity and Sorority Life.
      2. Candidates for the office of Vice President of Judicial Affairs may not have been found responsible for a violation of the Code of Conduct, as reported by the Office of Student Conduct or the Dean of Students.
    7. Candidates are allowed to be a member of the same fraternity as another candidate for the Interfraternity Council executive office.

Section II: Election and Nominations

  1. At the second regular council meeting in November, election for the offices of President, Secretary, Treasurer, Judicial Vice-president, Public Relations Chair, and Vice-President of Recruitment shall be held at a meeting of the Council of Fraternities
  2. Procedure
    1. The President shall oversee the process for elections and nominations with the
      assistance of a representative of the Office of Fraternity and Sorority Life or Dean of Students.
    2. Nominations and Applications for Interfraternity Council executive council officers will be opened at the first regular council meeting in October.
      1. At the time of opening of applications and nominations the President shall establish the nominations and elections committee, pursuant to Article VIII of the USAIFC bylaws.
    3. Nominated candidates will complete an application by the advertised due date. The purpose of the application will be to confirm a candidate鈥檚 eligibility and to describe the candidate鈥檚 platform.
      1. At the time of application all candidates agree to provide their academic and judicial records for review to the IFC Nominations and elections committee and Office of Fraternity and Sorority Life. Candidates who do not meet the minimum GPA requirement, or who have judicial records or cases that preclude them from a given position, may not be placed on the ballot, nor are they eligible to run from the floor.
    4. After all candidates have filed for office, the applications will be reviewed by the nominations and election committee, consisting of representatives from the Office of Fraternity and Sorority Life, the current Interfraternity Council executive council, and past presidents of the member chapter.
      1. The President will chair the nominations and elections committee, and the committee will be affirmed by a majority vote of chapters no later than the second regular meeting in October.
      2. Current executive council officers or past chapter presidents who are potential candidates for a position cannot serve on the nominations committee.
      3. The nominations committee will ensure that all candidates for each position meet the necessary criteria for the position and submit a list of candidates for all elected positions to the General Council of Fraternities at least one (1) week prior to election day.
    5. On election day, nominees shall be allowed to deliver speeches to the Council of Fraternities.
    6. 6. 3鈦4 of the member fraternities must attend the election meeting.
      1. A $100 fine will be incurred upon absent members.
    7. All voting shall be done by secret ballot.
    8. In the event of a tie, the two (2) candidates receiving the most votes shall be the only nominees eligible for election. If a tie still occurs after another voting session, each nominee鈥檚 respective Fraternity will be withheld from voting. If a tie still is produced, the USA IFC President shall cast the deciding vote.

Section III: Appointments

  1. A. Positions
    1. Director of New Member Education
    2. Director of Philanthropy and Service
  2. B. Qualifications
    1. A candidate must file a written application for the office by the first general council meeting in November.
      1. At the time of application all candidates agree to provide their academic and judicial records for review to the IFC Nominations and elections committee and Office of Fraternity and Sorority Life Candidates must be active status within their fraternity.
    2. Candidates must be a full-time enrolled student at the University of South 麻豆果冻传媒 at the time of their application.
    3. Candidates must not have any open or pending judicial cases with the Office of Student Conduct.
      1. Candidates with judicial cases pending or open may still be considered for their position at the discretion of the Office of Student Conduct, Dean of Students, and Office of Fraternity and Sorority Life.
      2. Candidates shall have a minimum of a 2.5 cumulative grade point average and have not been on scholastic probation for the most recently completed term prior to the semester of election.
  3. Procedure

    1. Only candidates who meet the criteria outlined in Section B of this bylaw are eligible for consideration of appointments.

    2. After all candidates have filed for office, the applications will be reviewed by a nominations committee to consist of representatives from the Office of Fraternity and Sorority Life and the current Interfraternity Council executive council.
      1. After all candidates have filed for office, the applications will be reviewed by a nominations committee to consist of representatives from the Office of Fraternity and Sorority Life and the current Interfraternity Council executive council.
      2. Current executive council officers or past chapter presidents who are potential candidates for a position cannot serve on the nominations committee.
      3. The nominations committee will review all applications submitted for the positions Director of New Member Education and Director of Philanthropy and Service.
      4. The nominations committee will ensure that all candidates for each position meet the necessary criteria for the position and submit a recommendation to the Interfraternity Council President elect on the day of his election.
      5. The Interfraternity Council President elect will select his appointments from the recommendations, and eligible candidates, to be presented at the last regular general council meeting.
    3. A majority vote of the Council of Fraternities is necessary to affirm appointments to the executive council, and this vote will be held at the last regularly scheduled general council meeting.
      1. Should the Council of Fraternities not affirm a candidate, then a special session to affirm a candidate will be held no more than one (1) week after the initial vote to affirm.
      2. Should the Council of Fraternities not affirm a candidate at the special session, the judicial committee, chaired by the Vice President of Judicial Affairs, shall review and submit a candidate to serve in the appointed position.



Section I: Legislation

  1. All members of the Executive Council, both elected and nonelected, except the president, may bring motions before the Council of Fraternities and participate in all discussion.
  2. All legislation, when approved by the Council of Fraternities in the proper manner, shall be binding upon all the members of the Council of Fraternities and the Interfraternity Council members.

Section I: Name

  1. There shall be a judicial body of the Interfraternity Council known as the Interfraternity Council (IFC) Greek Board of Magistrates (henceforth referred to as GBM).

Section II: Regulations

  1. The Board shall perform all duties and be subject to all regulations contained in the Interfraternity Council GBM Constitution.
  2. The constitution shall become effective upon adoption by a 3鈦4 vote of the Council of Fraternities.

Section III: Membership

  1. The chair of the IFC GBM shall be the duly elected IFC Vice President of Judicial Affairs.
  2. Committee members for the IFC GBM shall be selected by applications submitted to the IFC Vice President of Judicial Affairs.
  3. Committee membership and regulations are subject to all regulations contained in Article VIII of these bylaws.
  4. Committee members, including the chairman, may not have any open or pending code of conduct violations nor may they have been found responsible for violation of the code of conduct, as determined by The Office of Student Conduct or the Dean of Students.
  5. Not be a current member of the IFC Executive Board or serve as his member chapter鈥檚 IFC Representative or Alternate Representative for the IFC General Body.

Section IV: Jurisdiction

  1. The IFC shall be a peer-governing organization with an independent Judicial Board, which shall have jurisdiction over cases involving alleged member chapter violations, including but not limited to:
    1. The IFC Constitution, Bylaws, Code of Conduct, and other policies.
    2. The rules and regulations of the University of South 麻豆果冻传媒.
    3. The general values-based conduct of fraternity men.
  2. The IFC GBM shall work with the campus to implement a comprehensive conduct program that enhances peer-governance; respects the authority of the campus to adjudicate alleged violations of the Student Code of Conduct; and avoids multiple, overlapping conduct processes.
    1. The IFC shall develop an agreement with the campus that identifies the role of each judicial body in adjudicating allegations of chapter-level misconduct.
    2. The IFC Standards Board shall defer to the campus to investigate and adjudicate hazing and sexual misconduct allegations, or any other allegation that is being investigated and/or adjudicated through the campus鈥 conduct process.
    3. For all other instances鈥攐utside of hazing and sexual misconduct鈥攖he Standards Board has the autonomy and responsibility to adjudicate chapter-level violations.

Section V: Term of Office of IFC Justices

  1. The term of office for IFC Justices shall be until their graduation, resignation, or
    replacement under the procedures determined by each member chapter; or upon his election to serve on the IFC Executive Board or as his member chapter鈥檚 IFC Representative or Alternate Representative for the IFC General Body.

Section VI: Judicial Board Hearing Justice Selection

  1. The IFC Vice President of Judicial Affairs will select five (5) GBM justices, as
    predetermined by an alphabetical rotation of the member chapters, to hear a case. In the event the IFC GBM rotation for service on a hearing fall upon an IFC Justice whose member chapter is involved in any way, with the alleged violation, the rotation will skip to the next member chapter in the alphabetical rotation.

Section VII: IFC GBM Hearing Attendance

  1. All IFC GBM hearings shall be conducted in accordance with the following
    1. All IFC Justices assigned to a hearing shall be present to conduct business on behalf of the IFC GBM.
    2. Each IFC Justice assigned to a hearing is required to attend. Failure of an IFC Justice to attend a hearing for which he was assigned shall result in his member chapter being referred to the IFC Vice President of Judicial Affairs for potential judicial review.

Section VIII: IFC GBM Hearing Voting Policies

  1. All IFC GBM hearings shall operate utilizing the following voting policies:
    1. Each IFC Justice serving on a hearing shall have one vote.
    2. A majority vote shall govern all actions of an IFC GBM.

Section I: Judicial Powers and Responsibilities

  1. Per Article VIII, Section I of the IFC Constitution, the IFC shall be a peer-governing organization with an independent Judicial Board that shall have jurisdiction over cases involving alleged member chapter violations of IFC policy, including but not limited to:
    1. a. The IFC Constitution, Bylaws, Code of Conduct, and policies.
    2. b. The rules and regulations of the University of South 麻豆果冻传媒.
    3. c. The general values-based conduct of fraternity men.

Section II: Due Process

  1. In appearing before the GBM each member chapter shall be granted certain rights termed 鈥渄ue process.鈥 Those rights are:
    1. Right to be notified, in writing, of all charges, as outlined in the Bylaws;
    2. Right to present a defense, including the calling of witnesses.
    3. Right to question witnesses.
    4. Right to be accompanied by an advisor for advisory purposes only, but not for representation.
    5. Right to be notified, in writing, of all findings and sanctions imposed, as outlined in the Bylaws.
    6. Right to appeal the decision, as outlined in the Bylaws.
    7. Right to be free from double jeopardy.

Section III: Filing of Complaints

  1. Any individual or group may file a complaint against a member chapter, specifying in writing the alleged acts of the accused. This must be done by submitting an IFC Judicial Complaint Form to the IFC Vice President of Judicial Affairs. The IFC Vice President of Judicial Affairs shall promptly review and investigate the allegation. Upon determination that an allegation contains information sufficient to warrant further adjudication, the IFC Vice President of Judicial Affairs may charge a member chapter with a violation.

Section IV: Notification of Charges

  1. Once the IFC Vice President of Judicial Affairs has determined the filed complaint has merit, the member chapter and it inter/national organization is to be provided written notification of the charges at least two weeks in advance of the hearing. This written notification shall include the following:
    1. Date, time, and location of their Informal Resolution Hearing.
    2. Description of the alleged violation; and
    3. Due process rights.

Section V: Investigatory Evidence

  1. All evidence related to a complaint shall be compiled and presented to all parties at least one week prior to any informal Resolution Hearing or formal GBM hearing. All evidence shall be directly related to the complaint(s) alleged against the member chapter and shall be approved by the IFC Vice President of Judicial Affairs prior to circulation.

Section VI: Informal Resolution Hearing

  1. Upon a finding of the IFC Vice President of Judicial Affairs that a filed complaint contains information sufficient to warrant further adjudication, he may offer the charged member fraternity the opportunity to participate in an Informal Resolution Hearing unless he feels that potential sanctions could include suspension or loss of IFC recognition.
  2. In cases in which the charged member chapter accepts an Informal Resolution Hearing, the IFC Vice President of Judicial Affairs shall meet with a representative of the charged member chapter to discuss the allegations of the complaint. Within three (3) business days of the Informal Resolution Hearing, the IFC Vice President of Judicial Affairs may dismiss the complaint with a finding of no violations, provide the charged member chapter with his finding of violations and recommendation for a resolution through disciplinary or corrective sanctions. The charged member chapter has three (3) business
    days to accept or reject the terms of resolution. If the charged member chapter accepts the resolution, the charged member chapter waives all rights of appeal, and the outcome is final.
  3. If the charged member chapter rejects the offer of an Informal Resolution Hearing or the, a Formal IFC GBM Hearing will be convened to hear the case.

Section VII: Prohibited Sanctions for Informal Resolution Hearing

  1. The IFC Vice President of Judicial Affairs shall not recommend suspension or loss of IFC recognition through an Informal Resolution Hearing. Should the IFC Vice President of Judicial Affairs believe suspension or loss of IFC recognition is warranted, the case shall automatically be referred to a Formal IFC GBM Hearing.

Section VIII: Formal IFC GBM Hearing

  1. If:
    1. The charged member chapter rejects having an Informal Resolution Hearing;
    2. The charged member chapter rejects the findings and/or sanctions of the Informal Resolution Hearing
    3. The IFC Vice President of Judicial Affairs determines the allegation is egregious enough to warrant potential suspension or loss of IFC recognition; or
    4. The IFC Vice President of Judicial Affairs chose not to offer an Informal Resolution Hearing.

      The IFC Vice President of Judicial Affairs shall convene a Formal IFC Judicial Board Hearing
  2. The IFC Vice President of Judicial Affairs will select five (5) GBM justices, as
    predetermined by an alphabetical rotation of the member chapters, to hear the case. In the event the IFC GBM rotation for service in a hearing falls upon an IFC Justice whose member chapter is involved in the alleged violation, the rotation will skip to the next member chapter in the alphabetical rotation.
  3. The IFC Vice President of Judicial Affairs shall serve as a non-voting Chief Justice and preside over all formal GBM hearings.


Section IX: Formal IFC GBM Hearing Proceedings

  1. Participants: Attendance at all IFC GBM hearings shall be limited to the member chapters involved, any witnesses, the IFC Justices assigned to serve on the GBM for the hearing, and the IFC Vice President of Judicial Affairs. At the discretion of the IFC Vice President of Judicial Affairs, witnesses may be excluded from the hearing room until it is his or her turn to testify. Additionally, the charged member chapter may be accompanied by its chapter advisor during any GBM hearing. The chapter advisor must be registered as the official chapter advisor of the member chapter. The chapter advisor shall only act in an advisory capacity and is not allowed to conduct any portion of the chapter鈥檚 presentation.
  2. Confidentiality: All individuals involved in a hearing are required to agree to a statement of confidentiality. Individuals shall not disclose information regarding the following:
    1. Any individuals, member chapters, or IFC Justices involved.
    2. Details of the proceedings
    3. Witness testimony.
  3. C. Hearing Process:
    1. Initiation of the Hearing: The IFC Vice President of Judicial Affairs shall inform all individuals present that the hearing will be conducted in an orderly manner and any person causing disruption will be asked to leave. Additionally, he shall advise the charged member chapter of the formality of the hearing and the necessity of all parties to be truthful.
    2. Overview of Judicial Hearing Process: The IFC Vice President of Judicial Affairs shall outline the process for the remainder of the hearing as follows:
      1. Presentation of alleged charges, violations, and investigatory evidence against the charged member chapter shall be presented by the IFC Vice President of Judicial Affairs:
        1. The Charged member chapter may ask questions.
        2. IFC Justices may ask questions.
      2. ii. Presentation of charged member chapter:
        1. IFC Justices may ask questions.
      3. iii. Calling of Witnesses
        1. The Charged member chapter may ask questions.
        2. IFC Justices may ask questions.
      4. The charged member chapter may give a final statement.
      5. IFC Justices deliberate in closed session to determine findings of responsibility and if necessary, appropriate sanction(s).


Section X: Conflicts of Interest

  1. In the event the IFC Vice President of Judicial Affairs鈥 member chapter is involved in the alleged violation, the highest ranking IFC Executive Board officer, starting with the IFC President, as listed in Article V, Section II of the IFC Constitution, shall serve in his stead.

Section XI: Prohibition on Recruitment Restrictions as a Sanction

  1. The IFC GBM may impose educational and punitive sanctions, as prescribed in the IFC Bylaws, but under no circumstances may it prohibit a Member Fraternity鈥檚 ability to recruit.

Section XII: Non-Status Sanctions

  1. The IFC GBM may impose sanctions that are punitive and/or educational, but not solely financial and do not restrict recruitment. The following are sanctions that may be imposed by the IFC GBM and/or IFC Vice President of Judicial Affairs (including, but not limited to):
    1. Letter of apology
    2. Fines
    3. Restitution
    4. Educational programming
    5. Public service to the campus or community
    6. Meetings with campus office/departments
    7. Loss of social event and/or campus event privileges
    8. Loss of eligibility for IFC Awards
    9. Censure

Section XIII: Status Sanctions

  1. In the event of an egregious violation, the following are sanctions that may be imposed by the IFC GBM for a specified period:
    1. Suspension: Loss of IFC voting rights and removal from good standing status, and any additional Non-Status Sanctions.
    2. Loss of IFC Recognition: Loss of IFC recognition and its rights and privileges.

Section XIV: Academic Probation

  1. Member organizations failing to achieve a minimum of a 2.5 GPA per semester shall be placed on academic probation by USA IFC.
  2. Academic probation shall be defined as follows:
    1. Chapters on academic probation will be required to log study hours on a weekly basis. Five (5) study hours per member will be required. Study hours will occur in an agreed upon location between the member organization and the USA IFC Advisor.
    2. Chapters on academic probation that seek to host events of any kind must submit their event plans to the Coordinator of Greek Life, Vice President of Judicial Affairs, and Two (2) other USA IFC Executive Board members. They will be tasked with approving or rejecting event requests.
  3. When adjudicating a potential violation that may result in suspension/loss of recognition from the IFC for the member chapter, the GBM shall work collaboratively with the inter/national organization and campus.

Section XV: Duration of Sanctions

A. Judicial action shall specify the duration and deadlines of any sanctions imposed. After such specified time, if the member chapter has fulfilled the requirements of the sanctions imposed, the member chapter shall return to good standing. In the event the member chapter does not fulfill all of the requirements of the sanctions imposed, the IFC Vice President of Judicial Affairs shall convene a Formal IFC GBM Hearing to determine future course of action.

Section XVI: Appeals

  1. The IFC GBM鈥檚 decision is subject to appeal by a member chapter within two weeks of receiving written notification of the decision. Appeals shall be made in writing to the IFC President and shall be made solely on the following grounds or be dismissed:
    1. Error in the charge and/or GBM Hearing process that materially affected the outcome.
    2. The severity of the sanction did not match the severity of the violation.
    3. New information that could not have been discovered prior to the IFC GBM Hearing through the exercise of reasonable diligence.
  2. Sanctions imposed through the Judicial Process shall stand until an appeal is heard.

Section XVII: Non-Status Sanction Appeals

  1. The IFC Executive Board shall hear appeals for Non-Status Sanctions. The IFC Vice President of Judicial Affairs shall first present the IFC GBM鈥檚 decision and rationale for its actions. The appealing member chapter shall then be afforded the opportunity to present its reasoning for seeking a reconsideration of the IFC GBM鈥檚 actions. The appealing chapter must be given at least one week鈥檚 notice of the time, place, and procedure of the appeal hearing. Any individual from the appealing member chapter serving on the IFC Executive Board shall not participate in the appeal proceedings. The IFC Executive Board may either dismiss the charge(s) with no sanctions or alter the sanctions imposed by the Formal IFC GBM Hearing. Any alterations must be approved by at least two thirds(2/3) of the IFC Executive Board. The decision of the IFC Executive Board shall be final for Non-Status Sanctions.

Section XVIII: Status Sanction Appeals

  1. The IFC General Body shall hear appeals for Status Sanctions. The IFC Vice President of Judicial Affairs shall first present the IFC GBM鈥檚 decision and rationale for its actions. The appealing member chapter shall then be afforded the opportunity to present its reasoning for seeking a reconsideration of the decision. The appealing chapter must be given at least one week鈥檚 notice of the time, place, and procedure of the appeal hearing. Upon completion of the member chapter appeal presentation, all representatives of the Member Fraternity shall be dismissed from the meeting, including the member chapter鈥檚 IFC Representative and Alternate Representative.
  2. The IFC General Body shall first vote on whether to discuss dismissal or alteration of the status sanction, which shall require a two-thirds (2/3) vote. In the event the IFC General Body votes to discuss dismissal or alteration, the IFC General Body shall determine by a two-thirds (2/3) vote to either dismiss the charge(s) with no sanctions or to alter the sanctions imposed. If a two thirds (2/3) majority cannot be achieved for dismissal or alteration of the sanctions, the initial sanctions will remain in place.
  3. The decision of the IFC General Body shall be final with no further appeal rights.

Section XIX: Assistant Director of Fraternity and Sorority Life

  1. In the instance of absence of the IFC Judicial Board/ GBM, the Assistant Director of Fraternity and Sorority Life will assume the responsibilities of the Board acting in the manner of issuing sanctions 鈥榓t will鈥.
  2. Member chapters can request all judicial cases to be heard and sanctioned by the Assistant Director of Fraternity and Sorority Life, the University Disciplinary Committee (UDC), or the University Conduct Office.

Section I: Committees

A. For the efficient and organized operation and coordination of ongoing programs in the Greek community, the Interfraternity Council shall maintain internal committees created by the Interfraternity Council president and overseen by the President. The creation of an internal committee may also be instigated by a petition of twenty percent (20%) of the member chapters.
B. The Interfraternity Council Constitution, by-laws, and the policies of the University shall govern all Internal Organizations. Their actions and decisions shall be subject to approval of the Council of Fraternities and interpretation by the GBM.

Section II: Guidelines

  1. Each committee shall have no limitations on the total number of memberships; the Executive Council along with the Council of Fraternities shall regulate the membership numbers according to the need.
  2. All ideas, policies, and other legislative work shall form in the committee to which it pertains.
  3. Each committee shall have a chairman that will be appointed by the Executive Council and approved by the Council of Fraternities.
  4. All committees will meet on dates set by the committee and their chair.
  5. Council of Fraternity representatives may also serve on committees.
  6. Committee chairmen have the power to assign duties into sub-committees.
  7. After deliberation, the committee will vote on the proposal, and if passed, it will be brought to the Council of Fraternities in the form of a motion on which to be voted.
  8. The chair reserves the power to call an emergency meeting of exigencies exist, but must allow twenty-four (24) hours prior for all committee members.
  9. I. Absence from a committee meeting, that is not excused, will result in a $20.00 fine to be assessed to the chapter of the committee member who was absent.
  10. No committee member can be absent over two (2) times in an academic semester. Failure to abide by this mandate will result in member expulsion and a fine of $100.00 to be assessed to the chapter of the committee member.
    1. If a committee member is expelled for absence, then the chapter may submit a new chapter member to serve as their representative.

Section III: Qualifications

  1. Committee members must be in good standing with their chapter and local, inter/national organization.
  2. Committee members must maintain a cumulative academic grade point average at or above 2.5.
  3. Committee members agree to provide their academic and judicial records for review to the IFC Executive board, Committee Chairman, and Office of Fraternity and Sorority Life.

Section IV: Term

A. The term for a committee member will run from the beginning to the end of each
academic semester.

Section V: Permanent Standing Committees

  1. The following Permanent Standing Committees (PSC) will be established and chaired by a representative of the IFC Executive Board. These committees will issue reports of committee at each General Body meeting of the Council:
    1. Recruitment Committee, Chaired by the Vice President of Recruitment.
    2. Greek Board of Magistrates, Chaired by the Vice President of Judicial Affairs
    3. Scholarship Committee, Chaired by the Vice President of Education
    4. Risk Management Committee, Chaired by the Public Relations Chair
    5. New Member Education Committee, Chaired by the Director of New Member Education
    6. Philanthropy and Service Committee, Chaired by the Director of Philanthropy and Service
鈻   Article IX- EXPANSION


Section I: Expansion Requirements

  1. Fraternities wishing to join the USAIFC may petition for membership in one of two ways:
    1. Formal expansion directed by a(n) inter/national office.
    2. Interest group expansion coordinated by a group of current University of South 麻豆果冻传媒 Students.
  2. All current and potential interest groups, colonies, or chapters must consist of currently enrolled, full-time undergraduate students at The University of South 麻豆果冻传媒.
  3. All fraternities seeking membership in the Interfraternity council must meet the criteria and abide by Section III of the Constitution of the 麻豆果冻传媒 Interfraternity Council.




Section I: New Member Period Requirements

  1. The new member period for current, active member chapters of the Interfraternity Council shall not last longer than eight (8) weeks.

Section II: Initiation Options

  1. The chapter can choose to initiate new members before the conclusion of the new member period鈥檚 eight (8) week deadline or wait until grade reports are available from that semester, in accordance with the maximum time allowed by the chapter鈥檚 national constitution.
  2. If the chapter chooses to wait until new member grades are available, and in accordance with the chapter鈥檚 national policy, the fraternity must initiate within fourteen (14) days of grade notification.
  3. During this 14-day period, the chapter鈥檚 new members are not subject to fraternity 鈥渘ew member鈥 activities. These include, but are not limited to, extended stay at the house, meetings, etc. Instead, they will maintain neophyte status until initiated.


Section I: Policy

  1. The Interfraternity Council takes a zero-tolerance policy on hazing. This policy is considered an extension of the University of South 麻豆果冻传媒鈥檚 anti-hazing policies.

Section II: Hazing

  1. Hazing activities are defined as any action or situation created, either directly or through innuendo that jeopardizes the student鈥檚 psychological, emotional, or physical well-being, regardless of the person鈥檚 membership status within the chapter or willingness to participate. Examples include but are not limited to:
    1. Subtle hazing: behaviors that emphasize a power imbalance between new members/rookies and other members of the group or team. This includes, but is not limited to, physical or mental manipulation or any action which can cause mental duress.
    2. Harassment hazing: behaviors that cause emotional anguish or physical discomfort in order to feel like a part of the group. Harassment hazing confuses, frustrates, and causes undue stress for new members/pledges.
    3. Violent hazing: behaviors that have the potential to cause physical and/or emotional or psychological harm. Note that the willingness of any individual to participate in any activity does not excuse any hazing violation.
  2. All instances of hazing must be immediately reported to the Director of New Member Education

Section III: Sexual Misconduct

  1. IFC member chapters will not tolerate nor condone any form of sexually abusive behavior on the part of its members, whether physical, mental, or emotional. This is to include any actions which are harmful to women and men, including but not limited to date rape, gang rape, or verbal or printed harassment.