
Final Exam Schedule


All exams will take place in the regular class meeting place. No deviation from this schedule is permitted without the permission of the dean of the college in which the course is taught.

Class Meets Class Time Exam Day Exam Time
Monday/Wednesday/Friday 8:00 Monday - Dec 9 8:00-10:00
Monday/Wednesday/Friday 9:05 Wednesday - Dec 11 8:00-10:00
Monday/Wednesday/Friday 10:10 Monday - Dec 9 10:30-12:30
Monday/Wednesday/Friday 11:15 Wednesday - Dec 11 10:30-12:30
Monday/Wednesday/Friday 12:20 Monday - Dec 9 1:00-3:00
Monday/Wednesday/Friday 1:25 Wednesday - Dec 11 1:00-3:00
Monday/Wednesday/Friday 2:30 Monday - Dec 9 3:30-5:30
Monday/Wednesday/Friday 3:35 Wednesday - Dec 11 3:30-5:30
Monday/Wednesday 6:00 Monday - Dec 9 6:00-8:00
Monday/Wednesday 7:30 Wednesday - Dec 11 6:00-8:00
Monday 6:00 Monday - Dec 9 6:00-8:00
Wednesday 6:00 Wednesday - Dec 11 6:00-8:00
Tuesday/Thursday 8:00 Tuesday - Dec 10 8:00-10:00
Tuesday/Thursday 9:30 Thursday - Dec 12 10:30-12:30
Tuesday/Thursday 11:00 Tuesday - Dec 10 10:30-12:30
Tuesday/Thursday 12:30 Thursday - Dec 12 1:00-3:00
Tuesday/Thursday 2:00 Tuesday - Dec 10 1:00-3:00
Tuesday/Thursday 3:30 Thursday - Dec 12 3:30-5:30
Tuesday/Thursday 6:00 Tuesday - Dec 10 6:00-8:00
Tuesday/Thursday 7:30 Thursday - Dec 12 6:00-8:00
Tuesday 6:00 Tuesday - Dec 10 6:00-8:00
Thursday 6:00 Thursday - Dec 12 6:00-8:00
Class Specific Exams   Tuesday - Dec 10 3:30-5:30
    Thursday - Dec 12 8:00-10:00


Classes that do not appear in the above schedule may use 3:30 – 5:30 pm on Tuesday, December 10, 2024



Weekend classes have final exams Friday-Sunday, December 6-8, 2024, at the regular class meeting time.


Students are entitled to relief from three or four final examinations on the same day. If the student makes a formal written request two or more weeks prior to the first day of final examinations, the student’s final examinations will be rescheduled. Normally, the first exam is rescheduled. The request is made to the dean of the college in which the course is taught, and the rescheduling is done through that office. If more than one college in involved, the appropriate deans will coordinate the rescheduling.



To access your final grades, log onto PAWS and click on ‘Student Services and Financial Aid’, then on ‘Student Records’. Click on ‘Final Grades’ to view your grades for the term.


Updated 02/05/2024