
Pre-Health Checklist

Completing admission requirements and being a strong candidate for professional programs can be overwhelming. That is why the pre-health advisors created a checklist to help guide you in the pursuit of your chosen program. Below, you will find recommendations for each of your undergraduate years. Following this guide will help you stay on track and be the strongest candidate you can be. Click here if you'd like to download a PDF version. Do not forget to ask your pre-health advisor any questions you have!


â–¼   First Year
  • Start the required coursework for your professional area of interest.
  • Attend all classes and create a manageable study schedule; for every one hour in class, spend at least two to three hours studying.
  • Interact with faculty and staff in a professional manner through office hour visits, extracurricular activities, etc.; they will be writing your letters of recommendation when you apply.
  • Work with Jag Success and the Writing Center to make sure that you are on the right track academically.
  • Participate in student organizations relevant to the health professions including Alpha Epsilon Delta (AED), Future Pharm D, Pre PA Student Organization, Pre Dental Student Organization, Health Occupations Student Association (HOSA), Pre-Physical Therapy Club, and Pre-Occupational Therapy Club.
  • Begin your pre-health journal; record all experiences related to your professional goals including personal reflections on your activities. For students pursing physical therapy or occupational therapy, use the appropriate documentation of experience form (click PT or OT for form)
  • Start your road map of academic and career development activities using the Focus2 planning tool found by clicking here.  Career Development can help with starting to develop a professional resume.
  • Attend relevant workshops and opportunities for pre-health students offered through Pre-Health Advising.
  • Choose a major that fits with your skills and interests.
  • In spring semester, start exploring opportunities to gain shadowing or observation experience in your field of interest.
  • Meet with your academic advisor each semester. If you have questions about your program, get in touch with your pre-health advisor in the spring semester.
  • Maintain a competitive GPA (3.0 or above) in your professional field of interest.



  • Participate in research, volunteering, shadowing, and/or observing activities.
  • If direct patient care hours are needed, start exploring possible jobs that would allow you to obtain these hours.
  • If you plan to take summer courses, please talk with your pre-health advisor.
â–¼   Second Year
  • Attend relevant workshops and opportunities for pre-health students.
  • Contact faculty in your major department to continue building relationships.
  • If you are interested in undergraduate research, click here to check out the Summer Undergraduate Research Fellows (SURF) program to explore opportunities to obtain research experience.
  • Continue to engage with faculty in classes and participate in extra-curricular activities. Think about choosing a single organization and volunteering on a regular basis.
  • Continue involvement in student health organizations; apply for national membership in AED.
  • Seek leadership opportunities on campus and in the community.
  • Continue to incorporate required pre-health course work into your academic major.
  • Begin studying for your admission exam (i.e. GRE, MCAT, PCAT).
  • Shadow on a regular basis; make sure to shadow a variety of practitioners.
  • Continue to document all pre-health experiences, such as shadowing, on appropriate form or in your journal including reflections on your activities.
  • Update your academic and career development activities on the Focus2 planning tool.
  • Meet with your academic advisor and pre-health advisor at least once per semester.
  • Continue to meet milestones for your professional field of interest.
  • Maintain a competitive GPA (3.2 or above).



  • Participate in research, volunteering, shadowing, and/or observing activities.
  • If direct patient care hours are needed start exploring possible jobs that would allow you to obtain these hours.
  • Continue studying for your entrance exam.
  • If you plan to take summer courses, please talk with your pre-health advisor.


â–¼   Third Year
  • Attend relevant workshops and opportunities for pre-health students.
  • Attend mandatory Application and Admissions Informational Meeting in spring.
  • Meet with faculty to request letters of recommendation, if required for your program; be very clear with deadlines.
  • Continue to complete required pre-health course work.
  • Actively participate in AED and other pre-health organizations.
  • Continue studying for admission exam; register for entrance exam in spring semester.
  • Explore programs of interest and review all admission requirements.
  • Using your journal and professional resume, begin your personal statement if your professional program requires one; work with the USA Writing Center as you work on your statement.
  • Participate in pre-health mock interviews; schedule a mock interview with Career Development.
  • Meet with your academic advisor and pre-health advisor each semester.
  • Maintain milestones for your professional field of interest
  • Take the admission exam for your professional field of interest; if necessary, take a second exam over summer.
  • Begin application process at the end of spring semester.
  • Maintain a competitive GPA (3.5 or above).



  • Take the admission exam, if still needed.
  • Complete the application process by working with Pre-Health Advising.
  • Confirm that letters of recommendation have been received,
  • Order official transcripts from all schools attended, including dual enrollment from high school.
  • Release admission test scores to application services and Pre-Health Advising.
  • Submit supplemental or secondary applications as received.
  • If you plan to take summer courses, please talk with your pre-health advisor.
â–¼   Fourth Year
  • Meet with your academic advisor and pre-health advisor on a regular basis.
  • Complete any pre-health required course work.
  • Complete course work for major.
  • Complete all supplemental or secondary applications.
  • Prepare for interviews, such as participating in mock interviews, reading up on current issues in healthcare, and meeting with Career Development on professional interview practices
  • Inform Pre-Health Advising of your admission status and future plans.
  • Stay involved in pre-health organizations and leadership opportunities on campus and in local community.
  • Continue volunteering, shadowing, and/or observing activities.
  • If you are not accepted, contact the office of admissions of the schools you applied to and request formal feedback on how to be a more competitive candidate; meet with your pre-health advisor to discuss next steps.