
What’s in EMS for you?

EMS has three high-level benefits:

Better coordination of events 

Through the EMS reporting function, we run a series of reports to inform key on-campus personnel when we will experience a high-event season. This information allows us proactively to inform the University community of potential challenges, like difficulty finding parking, as a result of an event. Moreover, we have a comprehensive understanding of what is happening on campus at all times and which weeks/days to avoid when planning an event. Finally, our EMS system highlights holidays and other activities that you may want to consider when scheduling an activity.

Proactive use of our resources

Our dynamic Campus Police force is at times unaware when events requiring their services are scheduled. Our EMS system allows Campus Police to run daily, weekly, and other reports to ensure that we are properly resourced to maintain a safe and secure University environment.  

Community engagement

Our EMS system directly populates our new Master Special Events Calendar which allows external and internal users to sort events by their areas of interest.

As an EMS user, you are committed to USA’s continued growth and improvement. Specifically, your use of this system indicates your belief that USA is a place that should:

  • Better coordinate campus-wide events  
  • Provide Campus Police with reliable information to ensure campus safety
  • Showcase our brand to USA and the larger Mobile community